We’re a little over halfway through 2019 —a good time to look back at predictions for the supply chain industry, including where we are in artificial intelligence (AI) adoption, the need for better data to drive predictability, and the uberization of freight. Earlier in the year discussions and reports indicated that a responsive, real-time supply chain would be the key differentiator among businesses as the year progresses. But this isn’t a particularly new prediction — we’ve been heralding such an arrival for at least a decade — and Gartner noted that despite their broad industry impact, such technologies have yet to be widely adopted. Slow adoption could be due to significant business and technological changes or limitations around its own capabilities, but it begs the question, how will these trends become reality if organizations can’t implement the advancements necessary to create a more efficient and effective supply chain?

Heading into 2019, our CEO Pervinder Johar predicted that we were really going to hit our stride in supply chain adoption of AI, and while we are close to greater adoption, there is still a lot of unrealized potential. The challenge is making AI domain specific to the supply chain and using it to drive real value across the entire business.

Recently, Pervinder took a look at this prediction and a few others to determine how organizations can truly implement the advanced technology we predicted would take precedence just over six months ago. Visit his recent article in Supply Chain Technology News to get his take.

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